Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Audience Theories

Cultivation Theory – I believe that the target audience, pretty much females, rather young ones, spend most of their time consumed in the media. Looking at what’s in and what’s out. What they see in the media is what is ‘true’ in some sense. And with so many shows about body image, who wouldn’t be body conscious? From watching shows that repeatedly portrayed slimmer women, from movies, to adverts, to soaps, women have always to be skinny to be accepted, taken seriously and considered to be sexy/beautiful. Shows like How to look good naked, America’s next top model and 10 years younger are all based on the narrative of body image. America’s next top model, being a monopoly of all modelling programs, has had a domino effect, and resulted in other countries also producing their version of the show. Resulting people being affected about body image on an international scale. Also with society turning to the media for almost everything now, we depend on the media to construct our opinions.

Copycat theory – By consuming so many medium on a daily basis, people cannot help but reflect on what they see and imitate it. When people see women being represented in a certain way almost everywhere, they accept that this is the right way, and follow it.

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